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Hey, I'm Jenelle!

I'm a self-love blogger and body image coach.


I started struggling with low confidence, negative body image, and anxiety at a very young age.  At 5 or 6 I began comparing my body to my classmates and worried I was fat.  Around 10 years old, I started dieting at the recommendation of members in my family.  This resulted in struggling with an undiagnosed binge eating disorder for many years as well as a crippling sense of inadequacy that tainted every aspect of my life.  Even at my thinnest, all I could do was obsess about not gaining the weight back.  I didn’t love my body or myself. 


Now, after countless hours of research, self-help books, therapy, coaching, and recovering from my eating disorder, I have learned so much, and I am finally in a place where I love myself and feel confident being me without worrying what others think.  In fact, I love my body a lot more now 30+ pounds heavier!  It isn't about how your body looks, it’s about how you think and feel about your body. 


I have broken up with diet culture and no longer spend all my time thinking about how much I hate myself and my body.  If you’re not there yet you are normal not wrong, and I'd love to help you do the same.

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